Swedish artist, lives and work in Stockholm

Imprinting and Filting 2008
Avtryck och Filter

Andréhn-Schiptjenko, Stockholm, Sweden

Imprinting and filtering

I was always fascinated by dream and reality – how they fertilize and traverse each other and occasionally change places.

And by the course of time. Even in a furious pace of existence, you may feel that time stands still. Recurrence, the same theme, with eyes wide or shut. Images of reality do not exist, as soon as I try to create them, they disappear.

Slowly pictures emerge by sorting and filtering. They originate in a web or a landscape shaped by this slithering interplay.

The exhibition is a wave motion between imprinting and filtering. Impressions and processing and the tension in between.

Meta Isæus-Berlin

Avtryck och filter

Jag har alltid varit intresserad av dröm och verklighet – hur de befruktar och genomkorsar varandra och ibland till och med byter plats.

Och av tiden. Även om man upplever ett rasande tempo i tillvaron, kan man få en känsla av att tiden står stilla. Repetition, samma tema, med ögonen öppna eller slutna. Verklighetsbilder finns ju inte, så fort jag försöker formulera dem, försvinner de.

Sakta silas och filtreras ett slags bilder fram. De har sitt ursprung i den väv eller landskap som den glidande växelverkan matar fram.

Utställningen är en vågrörelse mellan avtryck och filter. Intryck och bearbetning och spänningen där emellan.

Meta Isæus-Berlin

Awaiting, 2008,
oil on canvas, 77 x 90 cm,
private collection

Eva 2007,
oil on canvas, 130 x 210 cm,
private collection

The Betrothal, 2007,
oil on canvas, 130 x 210 cm,
Courtesy Meta Isæus-Berlin

My Wardrobe, 2007,
oil on canvas, 150 x 115 cm,
Courtesy Meta Isæus-Berlin

Second Hand, 2008,
oil on canvas, 150 x 115 cm,
Courtesy Meta Isæus-Berlin

The Rinse-Out, 2008,
oil on canvas, 136 x 156 cm,
Uppsala kommun

In the Depths, 2008,
oil on canvas, 47 x 52 cm,
Uppsala Konstmuseum

Exposed, 2008,
oil on canvas, 130 x 210 cm,
Courtesy Meta Isæus-Berlin

Day and Night, 2008,
oil on canvas, 130 x 345 cm,
Courtesy Meta Isæus-Berlin

Vacation, 2007,
oil on canvas, 150 x 132 cm,
Courtesy Meta Isæus-Berlin

Dream-The Gout-Miami, 2008,
oil on canvas, 180 x 180 cm,
private collection

The Secretaire, 2008,
oil on canvas, 157 x 132 cm,
Statens Konstråd

Tivoli, 2007,
oil on canvas, 105 x 130 cm,
private collection

Breakfast, 2008,
oil on canvas, 115 x 132 cm,
private collection

The Seeker, 2008,
oil on canvas, 77 x 90 cm,
Courtesy M I-B

Mating Call, 2008,
oil on canvas, 77 x 90 cm,
Courtesy M I-B

The Dream Lingers on, 2008, oil on canvas, 132 x 150 cm, private collection

Dreams and Mardreams, 2008, oil on canvas, 180 x 180 cm, Courtesy Meta Isæus-Berlin

Breeding Ground, 2008,
oil on canvas, 115 x 132 cm,
private collection