Swedish artist, lives and work in Stockholm

Miscellaneous 2007

Walking in Miami Thinking of my Daughter, 2007,
oil on canvas, 127 x 170 cm,
Courtesy Meta Isæus-Berlin

Time to Leave, 2007,
oil on canvas, 132 x 115 cm,
private collection

Love Couple, 2007,
oil on canvas, 115 x 132 cm,
private collection

He May Come, 2007,
oil on canvas, 127 x 170cm,
private collection

Love, 2007,
oil on canvas, 107 x 130 cm,
private collection

Vårlängtan, 2007,
oil on canvas, 132 x 150 cm,
Courtesy Meta Isæus-Berlin

Hotellets pool, 2007,
oil on canvas, 132 x 115 cm,
Courtesy Meta Isæus-Berlin

Möbelmässan, 2007,
oil on canvas, 74 x 110 cm,
private collection

Är det säkert att du vågar, 2007,
oil on canvas, 74 x 110 cm,
private collection

Släktmöte, 2007,
oil on canvas, 74 x 110 cm,
private collection

Carmen har tråkigt, 2007,
oil on canvas, 74 x 110 cm,
private collection

Falken, 2007,
oil on canvas, 84 x 170 cm,
private collection

Träden i Hagaparken, 2007,
oil on canvas, 74 x 110 cm,
courtesy M I-B

Utomhus, 2007,
oil on canvas, 127 x 170 cm,
courtesy Meta Isaeus-Berlin